Biography of Khentkaus II


Like her older namesake Khentkaus I, Khentkaus II also bore the titulary mw.t, which can be translated in two possible ways: ‘Mother of two Kings of Upper and Lower Egypt’ or ‘Mother of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt and King of Upper and Lower Egypt’, the latter translation suggesting that at one point, she took up the office of king herself. 

Several reliefs found at Neferirkare’s pyramid complex at Abusier, confirm that she was the wife of Neferirkare and the mother of, at least, Neferefre.
The fact that she too bore the title Mother of Two Kings of Upper and Lower Egypt suggests that she was also the mother of Niuserre.

She was buried in a pyramid at Abusir, near her husband and sons. The fact that her pyramid was not a simple Queen's Pyramid connected to the funerary complex of her husband and the fact that some relief shows her wearing the uraes, a royal prerogative, suggests that she may, for a while, have ruled Egypt as well, perhaps as a regent to one or both of her sons.

View on the funerary tempel of Khentkaus II from the top of Neferirkare’s pyramid.

View on the funerary tempel of Khentkaus II from the top of Neferirkare’s pyramid.
Source: Verner, Abusir, p. 94.

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