North Court


Despite or perhaps due to its vastness, the large area  north of the Northern temple, named the North Court, has not yet been fully explored.
There are some subterranean galleries underneath this court, but their function is unknown pending further research. Neither is it known whether these substructures predate Netjerikhet's funerary complex, or if they were a part of it.
We also do not know if this court once housed dummy chapels like in the Heb-Sed Court, or platforms as is the case in the South Court.

Against the northern end of the wall surrounding the complex, an altar shaped like the hieroglyph for offering was built. The precise function of this altar is not known but may probably have been connected with any other structures that may have been built in the northern area. The fact that it is located in the North, thus sharing the same orientation as the entrance to the Step Pyramid, may perhaps suggest a connection with the Circumpolar Stars, which the Ancient Egyptians believed would receive the spiritual essence of the deceased king.

A large part of the rock was shaped to resemble the hieroglyph for 'altar'. It is located on the northern edge of the North Court.

A large part of the rock was shaped to resemble the hieroglyph for 'altar'. It is located on the northern edge of the North Court.

© Jacques Kinnaer 1997 - 2023